Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Seeing Results

I have to say I am quite proud of myself. I was a very good girl this weekend. I woke up early Saturday before work and did my 30 Day Shred. Then I had a full day of massages to do (that's a workout in itself). I didn't workout Sunday but I did give two massages. I did my workout last night and noticed that it felt much easier. I still got a good workout and got sweaty, it just wasn't killing me to complete the workout. I was able to do much more of the cardio and more reps of the strength. I never had trouble with the ab workout. I think tonight I will do ab ripper from P90X and do wii fit.

I think I've lost around 7lbs so far. I have noticed a difference in my chest/collarbone and arms. I feel stronger too. Seeing the results from exercise and eating better has really helped me stick to it. I am getting better at this self discipline thing! :D

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I have lost 7 pounds, too! And I can do that crazy vinyasa thing now in yoga when you go from plank to upward dog and I can do a pushup before downward dog!
