Friday, October 29, 2010

Loooooooong Time :D

Okay so my life has been super crazy and I have PURPOSELY not updated on here for a while. Patrick and I got some surprising, yet exciting news that I have been dying to blab: We are PREGGERS!

We got pregnant as soon as I got back from Crystal's bachelorette trip (mid July). It was completely by surprise! I knew instantly I was pregnant as I immediately started in with morning sickness. I hadn't even missed "Aunt Flow's" visit but knew something wasn't right. Patrick convinced me to take a test and I did, which didn't immediately turn positive. I quickly just tossed it aside and summed it up to having a bug. Later that night when I went to get ready for bed, I glanced at the stick, which now read positive. I was in total shock and couldn't even speak so I just handed it to Patrick. (no clever story on how I told my hubs) He said "what do these lines mean", and I said "that means we are having a baby". I instantly got excited and he instantly started to panic! The test was faint so we decided it would be best to take another one just to be sure.

I woke up the next morning SO sick thinking I couldn't already be testing positive and having morning sickness ALREADY, could I? It just didn't seem possible. So on the way to work I stopped by Walgreens to get a stick to pee on. Patrick insisted on getting the EPT brand, because its ERROR proof - bah silly boy! Since I was so sick the only thing I could keep down was water, and I had drank a lot of it on the way in. I got settled in at work and took the test. I let it set for the allotted time and I saw what seemed to be yet another positive reading. This one was even more faint than the one before. I then starting thinking, okay maybe I'm just wanting to see the line and its really just not there, but I think I can see it. So I was back to square one, doubting my positive stick and still wondering if this was really happening. Luckily the package came with two!

So I decided to wait and use the last stick the next morning with fresh, just woke up pee! Let me tell you the third time really is the charm. I peed on that stick and it went BAM florescent positive. No mistaking this one!! I am def knocked up!

So here I am newly pregnant and wide eyed with excitement! I call my OB to make an appointment as I officially have no clue what I'm doing or need to do from here. I tell them my story and they try and argue with me about how far along I am and when my last period was. HELLO it's my vagina, I know when my last cycle was! After arguing with them for a couple minutes I said the heck with it, what do I know, and said okay fine whatever book my dang appointment. (they were telling me I was 8 weeks and not 4 - as my suspicion was theirs as well, being to early to test positive or have morning sickness) I go for my appointment they do an ultrasound and guess what I'm 4 weeks, as I told them :) 1- Candace 0-OB!

Everything has been pretty horrible so far. I think I've had every symptom in the book, nausea/vomiting, bloating, horrible constipation, irritability, complete exhaustion, migraines that feel like they are going to kill me, lower abdomen soreness, and horrible booby pain. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to be a mommy and to meet my little nugget, it's just been a rough start. Maybe me and pregnancy aren't going to be BFF"s. I'm okay with that as long as my baby is healthy!

Okay there it is in all it's glory. Everyone is now caught up to current day with my pregnancy. I'm just starting to feel better. nausea is almost completly gone and I have my headaches under control. My energy is slowly coming back and I find my self getting more excited everyday. I'll try and remember to post a picture of my most recent ultrasound at a later date!

Oh yea we are due April 24th 2011. I am currently 14 weeks 5 days!